Having successfully brought dreams to life for children since 1983, The Dream Factory helps children with life-threatening illnesses in Manitoba, Canada. The charity is unique as it focuses solely on supporting children within the province, meaning every penny raised supports local causes. They also aim to make any dream come true, whether meeting an icon or visiting a special place.
Therefore, ongoing donations and successful events are essential for making these children’s dreams come true! Held in April 2023, the Dream Maker Auction is the largest event in the calendar year for this charity and one of the most important for raising money. Continue reading to learn how the Givergy platform helped them raise more than $96,000!
The Dream Maker Auction 2023 was an in-person event which saw almost 900 attendees come together to celebrate the amazing efforts of the charity. 50 Silent Auction lots were used to raise money alongside digital Pledges.
It was important for The Dream Factory to use a mixture of Givergy features to target donors inside and outside the event space. They wanted the fundraising elements in the room to focus on networking and sharing brand messaging, which was another important part of the event.
The Dream Factory felt that the digital tools worked well as they meant that attendees were not all gathered in one place at the end of the evening. Instead of gathering at tables, they received messages about the status of their bids and payment facilitation.
A total of $99,545 CAD was raised from more than 135 silent auction lots and additional pledges.
As this was the charity’s 27th year of running the event, they already had a healthy donor base, making it easy to choose auction items. Steffani Biffin, Special Events & Projects Manager, also feels that the Givergy system further enhances this task thanks to the detailed information we’re able to provide with auction items.
The pledge system also received positive feedback due to its ease of use and accessibility by people in the room and from other locations. This year’s silent auction also broke last year’s record which shows a positive sign for events to come!
“I found Chloe, our Client Support Manager, very helpful. The team also offered great support and helped ensure that implementation and execution went well. The service was superior and the team was always willing to help!”
“I was really pleased with the system and as a new user, I could not have asked for a better experience or more support. Really happy overall from an event management perspective!”