5 Predictions To Help You Get Ahead Of The Fundraising Game In 2018

2018 is in full swing and were excited for what the year ahead holds for the third sector. We’ve consulted 5 fundraising experts to get their professional opinion on the trends, opportunities, and hurdles they think the third sector will face in the next 12 months. No doubt these predictions will inspire you to shake up your fundraising strategy!
1) Improving donor experience
We will see more charities partnering with technology companies to improve the donor experience. Emphasis will be placed on making the donor feel good about giving and better connecting them to the cause and beneficiaries. We will also see charities better engaging with social media, using a wider variety of channels to interact with new and existing supporters.
Kim Salour, Partnerships Account Manager, Institute of Fundraising
2)Integration of contactless technology
Without a doubt the biggest fundraising trend that will sweep 2018 will be the use and integration of contactless technology. We’ve already seen it trialled and I can see big things coming in accepting contactless donations. So, if you’ve not got a contactless machine, it might be time to invest!
Luke Cameron, Co-Founder, Nicest Jobs
3)Using technology to scale up
Charities will have to raise more, or simply the same as last year, with less. Fewer fundraisers and smaller budgets. What to do? Digital (for efficiency and scaling up) is part of the solution.
Howard Lake, Publisher of UK Fundraising
4)Asking for bigger and better philanthropic gifts
Fundraisers will build meaningful relationships with major donors which will enable them to become bolder when asking for larger, philanthropic gifts. Which will increase overall income to our sector.
Kristina Splindler, Head of Fundraising, The Felix Project
5)Up-skill work force
Research in 2017 told us time and time again that charities are struggling with the funding cuts they are facing. This will naturally mean there will be more competition for available grants from Trusts and Foundations.
At the FSI we are anticipating that small charities will be looking to diversify their income from a mixture of earned income and traditional voluntary income sources to gain a larger slice of the fundraising pie. We are expecting more charities will be upskilling themselves in our free and heavily subsidised training courses including community and events fundraising, major donors and developing corporate relationships.
Conchita Garcia, Head of Projects and Fund Development, Foundation of Social Improvement
Have you already implemented the ideas above, or would you like to add a prediction to the list? Either way, we would love to hear your thoughts.
Add your fundraising predictions and/or thoughts in the comment box below.
Ben Crook
Chief Operating Officer
Ben is at the forefront of every project in Givergy, listing and actioning constant improvements across the business. With over a decade of experience in the charity and events sector he brings a deep understanding of what the fundraising industry needs to operate effectively and efficiently.
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